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Benefits and Status of Hajj in Islam


Hajj pilgrims rest at Mina's tent
Hajj pilgrims rest at Mina's tent

Hajj is obligatory for a Muslim who has the ability to carry it out. This is one of the pillars of Islam. This time we will describe the benefits and status of the pilgrimage in Islam.

Benefits of Hajj for Muslims

1. The Hajj is a practical manifestation of Islamic fraternity whereby a Muslim feels he is the brother of every Muslim in the world.

2. The Hajj is also a practical expression of the unity and equality of the Muslim nation regardless of race, color, or homeland. They all have one Rubb, and one Book, and one Qiblah.

3. The Hajj is a school in which a Muslim learns perseverance, generosity, co-operation, forbearance, and love. He also enjoys the beauty of the submission to Allah, from Whom the Muslim receives forgiveness and benevolence.

4. The Hajj is an Islamic university which gives joy to all Muslims and fills with fear the hearts of the enemies of Islam and Muslims everywhere.

5. The Hajj is a great season for earning rewards. In it the rewards are multiplied and the sins are effaced. The pilgrim returns home after performing it sin-free as the day he was born.

6. The Hajj constitutes a declaration against Satan and his accomplices on one hand, and means opening a new page in dealing with Allah through sincerity and repentance on the other.

Status of Hajj in Islam

The Hajj is a duty on every adult, sane, free Muslim who is capable of performing it once in a lifetime. A capable person is the one who can afford the trip financially and health wise.

If an under-aged performed the Hajj, it would be considered as supererogatory for him, but he still has to perform it once he has reached the age of puberty to fulfill it as and obligatory act of worship.

If a Muslim is unable to perform the Hajj due to old age, terminal illness or the like, he must deputize someone to perform it on his behalf at his own cost.

As for a woman, she must have a Mahram to accompany her, such as a husband, a male sibling of hers, a father, a son, a brother, or an uncle, as a precondition for the incumbency of Hajj upon her. Although her Hajj would by valid, yet she would commit a sin if she goes for Hajj by herself.

A Muslim must first perform Hajj for himself before performing it on behalf of someone else.

It is praiseworthy for the pilgrim to give out to the poor people in the Haram (The Masjid al-Haram in Makkah) and be charitable more often.

The provisions and expenses of the Hajj must be earned lawfully.

It is permissible for a menstruating woman, and a woman in postnatal period to have a bath or shower upon entering the state of Ihram for the purpose of performing the Hajj or the Umrah. She must remain in her Ihram in Makkah until she becomes clean and have a bath thereafter to complete the Hajj rituals.


Those are the benefits and status of Hajj in Islam. Hopefully this article will provide good information to all readers.